Lukas and Ray (Cartoon)

As you reach the last page of Kairos Global, you find yourself in the company of Lukas and Ray. These two dear friends have always made us laugh, have fun, but more importantly, they’ve helped us think. So, we’re happy to present all the cartoons of Steffi Andrat Faria’s Lukas and Ray (updated each month) together in a ready-to-access format.

Creator of our Lukas & Ray cartoon series, Steffi Andrat Faria shares her story into the world of art.


Sitting down to reflect on my story feels surreal. The path I’m on now is one I never saw coming. To think that a once hard-core medical student, nose-deep in textbooks, would end up pouring their soul into creating art is wild to me, but even crazier is the way God has steered this whole journey. It’s been an adventure full of unexpected turns, doubts, and a lot of self-discovery, but through it all, there’s been one constant: God’s hand guiding me.

Growing up, I was always that kid who excelled in academics. My passion for helping others led me to pursue a career in medicine. Everyone thought it was the perfect fit. And in many ways, it was. I’d spend hours reading, memorising facts, and prepping for exams. But amidst the medical grind, I realised something: the most creative part of my life was making visual notes—doodles, sketches, and diagrams that helped me remember complex concepts. What I didn’t realise was that God was planting seeds of creativity in me, using what I thought was a tool for studying to awaken something bigger.

At the time, art was just a hobby, something I never thought much of. Medicine was what I focused on. But then, something began to shift. It wasn’t sudden, like a lightning bolt moment, but more like a slow awakening, an internal nudge that wouldn’t go away. I started feeling unfulfilled, like I wasn’t doing what I was meant to do. While I loved learning about how to heal people physically, there was a part of me that craved to do something more expressive, something that reached the heart and soul.

My outlet? Sketching and illustrating random thoughts. In those moments, I felt a kind of peace and freedom I hadn’t felt in a long time. The real turning point came when I began incorporating my faith into my art. One day, while doing my usual Bible study, I felt this overwhelming urge to illustrate a verse that stood out to me. I grabbed my sketchbook and went at it, drawing out how the scripture spoke to my heart. When I finished, something clicked. It was like God had cracked open a part of me that had been waiting to burst forth. Bible verses became my muse, and I couldn’t stop. I’d read, pray, and then create, and every time, it felt like a form of worship.

What started as personal reflections on scripture slowly evolved into something bigger. As I began sharing my artwork on social media as Scripture Pictures, people took notice. Comments like, ‘This piece really touched me’ or ‘I needed this reminder today’ started pouring in, and I realised something profound: art has the power to heal and inspire just as much as medicine does, only in a different way. Through my illustrations, I was connecting with people on a deeper, spiritual level, and that blew my mind. It was like God was showing me that this, too, was a form of ministry—a way to touch lives, not with a stethoscope but with a paintbrush.

However, every journey has its challenges, right? Mine was no exception. While art became my passion, leaving medicine behind wasn’t easy. Self-doubt was a constant companion. Was I really good enough? Was this even a realistic path? What if people thought I was crazy for giving up a ‘stable’ career? The societal pressure to stick with the ‘sensible’ choice was overwhelming at times. But here’s the thing about God: He doesn’t call us to a life of comfort; He calls us to a life of purpose. And deep down, I knew that what I was doing mattered.

The fears and doubts didn’t just go away overnight. There were days I’d sit with my art supplies in front of me and feel paralysed, questioning everything. But in those moments, God’s whisper was the loudest. He reminded me that this journey wasn’t just about me—it was about Him working through me. Every time I was on the verge of quitting, I’d get a message or a comment from someone telling me how much my art had inspired them or drawn them closer to God. That’s when I knew that I couldn’t stop. God had a plan for me, and I needed to trust it, even if I couldn’t see the full picture yet.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned through this journey is the power of surrender. I’ve always been a planner, someone who likes to know what’s coming next. But this leap into the world of art required me to let go of control and trust that God would lead the way. And trust me, that wasn’t easy. But every time I surrendered my fears and doubts to Him, He showed up in ways I couldn’t have imagined. The doors that started opening for me in the art world were clearly not of my own doing—they were God’s provision, leading me step by step.

Art became more than just a form of self-expression; it became an act of worship. It was my way of communicating with God, of thanking Him for His grace, of celebrating His love. And in sharing that with others, I began to see how art could bring people together, break down barriers, and touch hearts in ways words sometimes couldn’t. I’ve met so many incredible people through this journey, people who share my passion for using creativity to glorify God. Soon after, I got my first big opportunity. A publisher reached out, asking me to illustrate a children’s book. This was new territory for me, but I felt God’s hand guiding me through the process. That book deal was not just a professional breakthrough; it was also a financial blessing, arriving at a time when I really needed it. Each project that followed came at just the right moment—each one a reminder of God’s perfect timing.

I create my art digitally, beginning with primitive equipment and finally progressing to my current iPadPro and Apple Pencil. While watercolour painting remains a favourite pastime of mine, digital art is where I truly found my voice. I found joy in the precision and versatility of the digital medium. It allowed me to experiment with styles, colours, and forms in ways that traditional tools couldn’t.

The more I worked, the more doors opened. I didn’t just stop at children’s books; soon, my work expanded to wall murals in churches, plush toys, and merchandise. These weren’t just artistic ventures; they were opportunities to spread a message of hope and love around the world.

This was one of the most humbling moments – when I realised that my art had made its way across the globe from my small and humble workspace, as I worked in the wee hours of the night while my children slept. I had clients from the United States and other countries who loved my work and wanted to collaborate. To see my art on the pages of books, on plush toys, or on murals in churches felt like an honour. More than that, it was a huge confidence boost. I needed that affirmation, not just from people, but from God, that I was walking in His purpose for me.

It’s funny how we often think we know what’s best for our lives, and then God comes in and completely changes the narrative. Looking back now, I can see how every step, every twist, and every detour was leading me right here. Medicine wasn’t a mistake or a wrong turn—it was part of the process. It gave me discipline, empathy, and a heart for helping others. But God had more in store for me. He had a plan to combine my love for helping others with my love for creativity, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

What makes my work even more special is its mission. Every children’s book I illustrate is faith-based, giving me the chance to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of young readers. 

This has allowed me to be part of a greater mission—one where my art becomes a tool for spreading the gospel to children around the world. Over the past three years, I’ve had the honour of illustrating over ten Christian children’s books. The authors I’ve worked with come from all walks of life including two of them being Cerebral Palsy patients, and their stories are incredibly inspiring. I’ve illustrated books for children dealing with leukaemia, where the message of Jesus being their superpower has been especially meaningful. I’ve worked on detective stories where the characters rely on God’s word for every step of their journey. And I’ve brought to life books that teach children about their identity in Christ—a message that is crucial in today’s world.

Another huge lesson I’ve learned is the importance of community. As someone who is naturally introverted, I often preferred to create alone. But as I began to step into this new space of faith-driven art, I realised how much I needed others. Collaboration brings fresh ideas, new perspectives, and a kind of energy that’s contagious. Whether it’s working with authors, other artists, brainstorming with fellow believers, or just sharing my work with my audience, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of doing life together. We’re not meant to go through this journey alone, and I’ve been so blessed by the people God has brought into my life to walk alongside me.

Now, as I look to the future, I’m filled with excitement and anticipation. I don’t know exactly what’s coming next, but that’s okay. I trust that God is still leading me, still creating through me, and still using my art to impact lives. The opportunities I’ve had to share my story, to collaborate with others, and to reach people across the world have been nothing short of amazing. But the best part? Knowing that this is just the beginning.

My journey from medicine to masterpieces has been a wild ride of faith, trust, and discovery. It’s shown me that success isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about showing up, being faithful to the process, and trusting that God will use your efforts for His glory. It’s about embracing the unknown and letting go of the need to have everything figured out. And it’s about remembering that we are God’s masterpieces, created with purpose, loved beyond measure, and called to do great things for His kingdom.

So, to anyone reading this who feels like they’re standing at crossroads, unsure of which direction to take, let me leave you with this: Trust God and show up. Trust that He has a plan for your life, and that plan is better than anything you could come up with on your own. Don’t be afraid to step out in faith, even if it feels scary or uncertain. God is the ultimate Creator, and He’s crafting a beautiful masterpiece out of your life. Trust the process, embrace the journey, and watch how He turns your story into something more incredible than you could ever imagine.


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