

$4.00 for 1 month


  • $110.00 for 36 month
    $75.00 for 24 month
    $40.00 for 12 month
    $4.00 for 1 month



Kairos Buds is the best Catholic magazine for kids aged 3 to 12 years published by Jesus Youth, an International Catholic Movement approved by Holy See. Rooted in the Catholic faith, Kairos Buds aims to be a faith-building instrument for little souls. Colorful and attractive, Kairos Buds is THE children’s magazine that parents and children alike will love!

From cartoons, articles, and facts carefully curated to inculcate a love for the Catholic Church, to varied activities, segments on parenting, health, soft-skill development, and contributions from talented young ones, every page of Kairos Buds has been designed to be highly engrossing!

So what’s exciting about Kairos Buds? Here is a peek into the contents.


  • BIBLE TOONIN – cartoon based on Bible stories

  • DARE TO BE SAINTS – stories about the life of saints

  • FAMILY CAFE – stories revolving around a family

  • TONY & TINA – stories about two smart teenagers


  • WORD OF LIFE – Learn Bible verses while coloring

  • BRAIN GYM – Brain games & puzzles

  • HOBBY HUB – Do-it-yourself activities

  • COLOR ME – Coloring pages

Cool Catholic

  • PILGRIMAGE – Learn about famous churches around the world

  • DID YOU KNOW – Interesting facts about the Catholic Church

  • FAITH AND REASON – Articles on faith and science

  • SHEPHERDS’ STORY – Childhood stories of our Bishops

  • DIVINE FAMILIA – Articles on improving personal relationship with Jesus

Smart Mind, Healthy Body​

  • LUMINOUS LIBRARY – Reviews on books, movies, and apps

  • WINGS TO WIN – Articles to helping children to develop soft skills

  • TAKE CARE – Articles on health and wellness

  • Q&A – Answers on faith and life questions from kids

Smart Kids

  • MY CANVAS – Art Submissions by kids

  • LITTLE WRITERS – Stories written by kids

  • MY STORY – Testimonies and narrative examples by kids

  • HAPPENINGS – Update from Jesus Youth kids ministries worldwide

9 reviews for KAIROS BUDS

  1. Rev. Sr. Rini Chacko MSMHC

    Kairos Buds is a channel of blessing to the family, especially young minds, inculcating love for Jesus and strengthening them in the Catholic faith.

    It is a wonderful catechetical tool for the children to grow in love of Jesus through prayers, Bible verses, creatively expressing of their talents through colorful painting, reading stories, etc.

    I found it extremely valuable and I am sure it will be equally valuable for parents and guardians of children in guiding them on the right way.

  2. His Excellency Thomas Dabre, Bishop of Pune Diocese, India

    I have always regarded Jesus Youth, as a special gift to the Church. I am deeply impressed by their love of Jesus. They also have an inspiring sense of being on mission. I wish to congratulate them for the good work that they have been doing for the children of 4-12 years age group, called Kairos Buds. The foundations for a meaningful life in the future are laid in early childhood. If we want the Church of the future to be fired with zeal, for the mission of Jesus, then we must pay special attention to our children. And that is what the Jesus Youth have been doing.

  3. Chris Bristow, Chicago, USA

    I was introduced to Kairos Buds by my sister who gifted the magazine to my kids. They are 5 and 6-years-old. Although they are not old enough to read well, they were very interested in looking at the pictures and doing the crafts in the magazine. The content is very informative and has good articles from kids around the world. It has good pieces for parents too.

    Kairos Buds is a very good faith magazine for kids and I can see that it will be very helpful in faith formation in children during the times that we live in now.

    I appreciate all those involved in and taking an effort to ensure our children are brought up in the Catholic faith.

  4. Jackline Julia DSouza, Malayasia

    Kairos Buds magazine is a comprehensive package of faith and related matters for children. It is heart-warming to see the articles written by children which is a reflection of the faith they have. Quiz, puzzles, art, etc., it has everything to keep the children engaged till the last page.

  5. Sr. Yhulhung Teresa Chothe, Nagaland, India

    Kairos Buds is an amazing magazine to inculcate the Catholic faith in children. With its picturesque cartoons on the Bible, lives of the saints and related articles, children are thrilled. Really good to find kids keeping themselves busy with the puzzles, cryptogram and art pages. Such an effective tool is Kairos Buds!

  6. Deepthy Tomy, Houston, USA

    It’s been a year we are using Buds magazine for my 5 yr and 3 yr old girls now. Initially, my kids were very excited about coloring pages and the beautiful pictures inside. As a mother, I was in search of a catholic magazine like BUDS. It is designed perfectly in colorful nature and good quality of cover pages! My kids ask me to read the stories from it. I use it to teach them to read letters and teach them to read as my kids are in pre-k. It’s perfectly fitting to their growth. I realized to find conscious effort to spend time with my kids when I use BUDS. The topic about smart parenting is very beautiful and simply understanding which helps us to grow together! My kid’s main highlights are stories of saints, activity pages, coloring, hobby hub. From the Library page, I started making lists of books and movies I can use for future references! Personally, we highly recommend this book for all children aged 3-12 years old. Young couples who want to raise their kids in faith from a young age pls don’t miss this opportunity to buy!

  7. Eva Reji, Texas, USA

    I enjoy Kairos Buds for many reasons. The main reason is that all three of us kids have something we can do in it. There are many different activities that every age group can do. The book also brings kids to the Catholic faith which is really important. It teaches children about saints, and churches dedicated to the holy faith. I have 2 little siblings and they love reading about the miracles of Jesus and fun activities in the book. My brother can’t read but due to the colorful pages and activities, he is still able to grow in faith and benefit from Kairos Buds. My sister finds the activities very entertaining. I also like how they have mostly children write the articles and it inspires me. Overall, My family and I really love Kairos Buds.

  8. Nawin Toppo

    I’m happy to be a new member of this site.

  9. Nawin Toppo

    Through the Kairos Global article I find very fruitful and useful for my ministry.

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